Q: Do you make backups?

A: Domains are backed up daily at about 1am as files and databases and kept for up to 2 weeks. This includes web files, private https stored files, and the user folder which contains any emails stored on our servers. Usually only in a worst-case scenario, files and databases can be restored together or separately to a state as of first thing that morning, up to 14 days back. Emails shouldn’t be stored on our servers using IMAP, that is fundamentally wrong, and we use Microsoft 365 Business cloud services to fix that archaic problem.

A: Websites on @myfingertips are backed up before and after we make each and every major change, prior to security updates and during active events.

A: WordPress: As part of the conditions of use for resellers, developers and other third-party people that may build on our systems, it is MANDATORY that they maintain updates and backups on WordPress and any other SQL-based systems, or we will terminate hosting and send them back to shared public hosting where irresponsible ‘web-developers’ like them belong. Please understand that it is our mission to support the integrity, quality and morality of the internet as a whole, not the whims of a single junior photoshopper that doesn’t know the difference between web and graphic design, or the importance of security updates.

A: Information should be managed such that it synchronises with cloud services constantly and securely with encryption and behind multi-factor authentication. We recommend Microsoft 365 Business Premium with Advanced Threat Protection as a minimum so that in the event of data-loss, device theft or a rogue employee, there should ideally be no data-loss, device theft or difficult disciplinary processes. Our strategy is proactive, and solution based rather than reactive and problem-based to create an environment of enjoying technology to save time, rather than being subject to it.

A: Servers: are managed dedicated in a data centre where they belong. We don’t help with self-hosted servers as it isn’t 2003.