Q: Other places offer free domains, why do you charge?
A: Nothing is free. Domain registrars charge irrespective of what you pay. We pay to secure domains directly and immediately and we add a nominal admin markup to registration costs and renewal costs that we incur. We forward the domain registrar cost to the client to confirm annual ownership renewal.
Cybercrime is not limited to offering free domains and websites so that the user or business stores their user information on their servers so they can sell them without legal juristic concners as it is hosted in a country that has no data laws. Extortion is not limited to someone selling your domain to you for many times its original value.
We contribute towards non-profit causes by sponsoring their domain registration and renewal costs during the term of sponsorship within reason.
For profit companies, resellers, Microsoft 365 tenants and private clients, each domain renewal type is charged separately (co.za, .com, etc). If the value of the total agreement, or reseller account size, is such that we can include domain costs in the agreement, then we include ‘free’ subject to approval and annual review.
We are of the belief that businesses wanting most of their business services for free is neither conducive to business, nor sustainable where ongoing positive national economic development is concerned.